IMX Model Mapping

Geonovum Standard
Proposed recommendation

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This document specifies the IMX model mapping. The IMX model mapping expresses a mapping between one or more source data models, to a target data model, and is designed to be used as configuration for an IMX orchestration process.

Status of this document

This is the final draft of this document. Edits resulting from consultations have been applied.

1. Introduction

This section is non-normative.

This document describes a proposed standard for mapping logical source data models to a logical target data model, in the context of IMX.

The IMX model mapping standard plays an important role in the reference architecture of the IMX orchestration process. The mapping serves as a formal translation syntax from one or more source models based API data sources towards one a target model based API data source. This mapping is at the basis of the actual IMX orchestration process.

Chapter 4: Model representation specifies the model to which a source model must be mapped to be able to be put into the IMX orchestration engine. Basically a model consists of objecttypes and properties. Filter mapping specify how source object are selected to match target objects according to defined filter operations/queries.

Chapter 5: Mapping abstract model implements the model defined in chapter 4 into a model for mapping between a source - and a target model containing all the necessary mapping rules. Objecttype mappping, path mapping (navigating through a source model) and property mapping are the basic concepts. Operators as result combiner, result mapper and matcher allow for defining complex combinations of chained results.

Chapter 6: YAML specification presents the YAML encoding of the abstract mapping model. This YAML IMX Mapping specification serves as a specification for YAML instance documents into the IMX Orchestration engine for actual operating on a set of source and target API's.

In annex 1 the mapping specifications of the IMX-Geo model are presented. These are presented in an excel spreadsheet and serve as input for the machine readable YAML formalisation presented in this document.

2. Design Principles

This section is non-normative.

The mapping is implementation independent

An important design principle is that the mapping should be independent of technical implementations, data format, or data modeling standards. This allows for broad use of the mapping across disparate data sources and environments.

The mapping is declarative

The mapping should be declarative. By declarative we mean that the mapping is described in a high level abstract language, describing the intent of the mapping, without explicit procedural logic. This affords various different usage scenario's, like employing different procedural strategies during the execution of the mapping, while keeping the mapping simple to express.

The mapping is expressed in terms of logical models

In order to be independent of technical data models and corresponding data formats, the mapping should be expressed at the logical level. A logical data model establishes the structure of data items, and their relationships, yet is independent of their technical implementation. This contributes to the mappings implementation independence.


The mapping is independent of data modeling standards

Their exist a variety of different data modeling standards, all with their own intricacies in the way they define data items. The mapping should be independent of these. This will allow for broad applicability of the mapping.

3. Basic concepts

This section is non-normative.

The IMX model mapping plays an important role in the reference architecture of the IMX orchestration process. The mapping serves as a translation from one or more source model based API data sources towards a target model based API data source.

The IMX model mapping is the core of what drives the orchestration process that will handle requests to the target API.

The IMX orchestration process is an activity which can answer requests on a target data source, generated in accordance with a target model, by orchestrating requests on the underlying source data sources, which correspond with source models, driven by a IMX model mapping, combining the results.

The orchestration process is carried out by an IMX orchestration engine. An IMX orchestration engine is a software component which takes an IMX model mapping, one or more source models and source data sources, and a target model, and generates a target data source in accordance with the target model which carries out he orchestration process.

A data source is an entity which provides access to a dataset.

A source data source is a data source which acts as a source in an orchestration process.

A target data source is a data source which acts as the target in an orchestration process.

IMX Orchestration
Figure 1 IMX Orchestration

The default way of expressing a model mapping is in [YAML] format. In recent years, [YAML] has emerged as a concise, readable format to represent information, which is widely applied as a configuration file format.

4. Representing models for orchestration

To make the IMX mapping and orchestration independent of underlying modeling standards and implementations, a simple internal logical data model representation is used, to which a source model must be mapped.


Model representation for orchestration
Figure 2 Model representation for orchestration

4.1 Model (Model)

A model is the representation of a logical data model which can be used in an IMX orchestration engine.

A logical data model is used to define data items which which are used to describe objects.

A data item consists of a subject, a property and a value, which together represent an elementary statement about an object.

An object is anything that is the subject of a data item. A contextually grouped set of data items about the same object forms a data object.

Overview attributes

Name Multiplicity Definition
name 1..1 The name of the model.

Overview relations

Name Multiplicity Definition
objectType 0..* A relation pointing to an object type that is part of the model.

4.2 Object type (ObjectType)

An object type represents the set of a type of object.

Overview attributes

Name Multiplicity Definition
name 1..1 The name of the object type.

Overview relations

Name Multiplicity Definition
property 0..* A relation pointing to a property.
identityProperty 0..* A relation pointing to a property which is identifying for the property-bearing object type.

4.3 Filter mapping (FilterMapping)

A filter mapping speficies how to filter source objects matching the target object.

Overview relations

Name Multiplicity Definition
property 0..* A relation pointing to a target object's property.
operator 0..* A relation pointing to an operator which expresses a filter operation on the target object's property .
sourcePath 0..* A relation pointing to a path on the objects of the source object type.

4.4 Filter Operator (Filter Operator)

A filter operator specifies which operation is to be used to filter the matching source objects.

Overview attributes

Name Multiplicity Definition
type 0..* The operator type .

4.5 Property (Property)

A property is a predicate which is used to express a data item about an object.

Overview attributes

Name Multiplicity Definition
name 1..1 The name of the property.
isIdentifier 1..1 Indication whether the property is identifying.
multiplicity 1..1 The multiplicity of the property.

4.5.1 Multiplicity (Multiplicity)

A multiplicity is an enumeration item which is used to express how many times a data item with the same property, and the same subject, can be expected to occur.

Overview enumeration items

Name Definition
requiredOnce Occurs exactly once.
requiredMulti Occurs multiple times.
optionalOnce Can occur at most once.
optionalMulti Can occur multiple times.

4.5.2 Relation (Relation)

A relation is a property which expresses a relationship between the relation-bearing object and a target object. It is a sub-type of Property.

Overview attributes

Name Multiplicity Definition
inverseName 1..1 The inverse name of the relation, to be used to traverse the relation in the inverse direction.
inverseCardinality 1..1 The inverse cardinality of the relation.
keyMapping 0..1 A map (String -> Object) defining the mapping the source object type key properties to the target key properties.

Overview relations

Name Multiplicity Definition
target 0..* The object type that is the target of the relation.
filterMapping 0..* A relation pointing to a filter mapping to filter the matching source objects.

4.5.3 Attribute (Attribute)

An attribute is a property which expresses a characteristic about an object.

Overview relations

Name Multiplicity Definition
type 1..1 The value type that is the type of the value of the data item expressing the attribute.

4.6 Value type (ValueType)

A value type is a type of an attribute-expressing data item.

Overview attributes

Name Multiplicity Definition
name 1..1 The name of the value type.

4.6.1 Scalar type (ScalarType)

A scalar type is a value type which is a scalar.

Common examples of scalars are:

  • String
  • Integer
  • Boolean

4.6.2 Geometry type (GeometryType)

A geometry type is a value type which represents a geometry.

5. Mapping abstract model

The following model implements the model defined in chapter 4 into a model containing all the necessary mapping rules. Objecttype mappping, path mapping (navigating through a source model) and property mapping are the basic concepts. Operators as result combiner, result mapper and matcher allow for defining complex combinations of chained results.

IMX Model Mapping
Figure 3 IMX Model Mapping

5.1 Source model (SourceModel)

A source model is a model which is used to define the structure of data items in a source data source in an IMX orchestration process.

5.2 Target model (TargetModel)

A target model is a model which is used to define the structure of data items in the target data source in an IMX orchestration process.

5.3 Model mapping (ModelMapping)

A model mapping is a set of declarations which afford the combination and translation of one ore more source data model based data sources to a target data model based data source.

Overview relations

Name Multiplicity Definition
targetModel 1..1 A relation pointing to a target model.
sourceModel 0..* A relation pointing to a source model.
sourceRelation 0..* A relation pointing to a source relation mapping.
objectTypeMapping 1..* A relation pointing to an object type mapping.
pathMapping 0..* A relation pointing to a reusable named path mapping.

5.4 Object type ref (ObjectTypeRef)

An object type ref represents a reference to an object type. A reference is expressed using a model alias and the name of an object type.

A model alias is a string of characters that uniquely identifies a model in an IMX orchestration process.

Overview attributes

Name Multiplicity Definition
modelAlias 1..1 The alias of a source model.
objectTypeName 1..1 The name of the object type.

5.5 Source root (SourceRoot)

A source root is a set of declarations which express the starting point for path evaluations.

Overview relations

Name Multiplicity Definition
type 1..1 A relation pointing to a object type ref.

5.6 Source relation mapping (SourceRelationMapping)

A source relation mapping is a set of declarations which define a virtual relation between object types in one or more source models. Virtual, in that the relation does not actually exist in the source models, but exists for the mapping process, through this mapping.

A relation defined through a source relation mapping can be used just as any other relation within object type mappings.

Overview relations

Name Multiplicity Definition
sourceType 1..1 A relation pointing to a object type ref, indicating the source object type of the relation.
property 1..1 A relation pointing to a newly defined relation.

5.7 Object type mapping (ObjectTypeMapping)

An object type mapping is a set of declarations which express the mapping of one or more source model based data items using its object type mapping sets.

Overview attributes

Name Multiplicity Definition
objectTypeName 0..* The name of the object type in the target model which is the target of this object type mapping.

Overview relations

Name Multiplicity Definition
mappingSet 1..* A relation pointing to a object type mapping set.

5.8 Object type mapping set (ObjectTypeMappingSet)

An object type mapping set is a set of declarations which express the mapping of one or more data items using a specicic source root to a target-model-object-type-based data object.

Overview relations

Name Multiplicity Definition
sourceModel 1..* A relation pointing to a source model.
targetModel 1..1 A relation pointing to a target model.
sourceRoot 1..1 A relation pointing to a object type ref.
propertyMapping 0..* A relation pointing to a property mapping.

5.9 Property mapping (PropertyMapping)

A property mapping is a set of declarations which express the mapping of a target object type property within an object type mapping.

A property mapping can be expressed through a sinlge path mapping, or can be the result of a combination of path mappings by applying its specified combiner.

Overview attributes

Name Multiplicity Definition
propertyName 0..* The name of the property in the target model which is the target of this property type mapping.

Overview relations

Name Multiplicity Definition
pathMapping 0..* A relation that results in an ordered, non-unique sequence of path mappings.
combiner 0..1 A relation pointing to a result combiner.

5.10 Path mapping (PathMapping)

A path mapping is a set of declarations which express references to data items of data objects of source data sources and actions on those.

A path mapping evaluation is the evaluation of a path mapping yielding a path mapping result, which serves as input for the property mapping.

Overview attributes

Name Multiplicity Definition
name 0..* The name of the path mapping.

Overview relations

Name Multiplicity Definition
path 1..1 A relation that points to a path.
andThen 0..* A relation that results in an ordered, non-unique sequence of path mappings that are to be evaluated after this path mapping.
map 0..* A relation that results in an ordered, non-unique sequence of result mappers.
ifMatch 0..1 A relation that points to a matcher.
ifMatchType 0..1 A relation that points to a object type ref.
repeat 0..1 A relation that points to a path repeat.

5.11 Path (Path)

A path, or path expression, is a set of declarations which, conceptually, represent a possible route through a graph of data items. A path is comprised of an ordered, non-unique sequence of segments. Each segment represents a step in that route.

A segment is a string that represents a property reference.

A property reference is a string that matches the name of a property in a data item in a source data source.

Overview attributes

Name Multiplicity Definition
segment 1..* An ordered, non-unique sequence of segment strings.

5.12 Path repeat (PathRepeat)

A path repeat is a set of declarations which describe how the path mapping evaluation should be repeated.

Overview relations

Name Multiplicity Definition
untilMatch 1..1 A relation that points to a matcher, which, when it matches, stops the repetition.

5.13 Component (Component)

A component is an abstract class of things that can process the result of one or more path mapping evaluations and produce a new result.

Overview attributes

Name Multiplicity Definition
type 1..1 The type of the component.
options 0..1 A map (String -> Object) of options that the component can use to create results.

5.13.1 Result combiner (ResultCombiner)

A result combiner is a component which takes as input the result of a previous element in a sequence and combines it with the current element in the sequence.

5.13.2 Result mapper (ResultMapper)

A result mapper is a component which takes the result of a path mapping evaluation and maps it to a new result.

5.13.3 Matcher (ResultMatcher)

A matcher is a component which takes the result of a path mapping evaluation and returns true when it matches the result and false when it does not.

6. YAML IMX Model Mapping specification

A YAML IXM Model Mapping document is a concrete representation of an instance of a model mapping expressed in [YAML].

6.1 Encoding

A YAML IXM Model Mapping document MUST be encoded in [UTF-8].

6.2 Mapping definitions

6.2.1 ModelMapping

The root node of a mapping document, the ModelMapping node represents the model mapping.

A ModelMapping node MUST express exactly one sourceModels key, of which the value is a mapping node of SourceModel nodes.

A ModelMapping node MUST express exactly one targetModel key, of which the value is a mapping node of TargetModel nodes.

A ModelMapping node MUST express zero or one sourceRelations key, of which the value is a sequence node of SourceRelation nodes.

A ModelMapping node MUST express zero or one objectTypeMappings key, of which the value is a mapping node of ObjectTypeMapping nodes.

6.2.2 SourceModel

A SourceModel node expresses a source model. It is represented by a sequence node of key/value pairs. The key of each key/value pair is the model alias of the source model. The value in the key/value pair is a ModelReference node referencing the source model definitions.

6.2.3 TargetModel

A TargetModel node expresses a target model. It is represented by a key/value pair. The key of the key/value pair is the model alias of the target model. The value in the key/value pair is a ModelReference node referencing the target model definitions.

6.2.4 ModelReference

A ModelReference node is represented by a mapping node. The mapping node MUST have:

  • a key location, whose value is a string which expresses the file path of the mapping source file.
  • a key profile, whose value is a string which identifies the profile of the model. The profile will be used to by the orchestration engine to load the model using the appropriate model loader.

6.2.5 SourceRelation

A SourceRelation node expresses a source relation mapping. It is represented by a mapping node.

It MUST have a sourceType key, whose value is an ObjectTypeRef node.

It MUST have a property key, whose value is a Property node.

6.2.6 Property

A Property node is a mapping node representing a relation property.

It MUST have a name key with a string value representing the name of the relation.

It MUST have a target key with an ObjectTypeRef node value, representing the target object type of the relation.

It MUST have a cardinality key with a valid cardinality string value.

It MUST have an inverseName key with a string value representing the inverse name of the relation.

It MUST have an inverseCardinality key with a string value representing the inverse cardinality of the relation.

It MUST either have:

6.2.7 KeyMapping

A KeyMapping node is a mapping node which defines the match of a source relation mapping's target object's key property, by using the name of the key properties as its keys and the names of the key value matching properties of the source relation mapping's source object as the corresponding values.

6.2.8 FilterMapping

A FilterMapping node is a mapping node representing a filter mapping.

It MUST have a property key with a string value property reference, that is the value of the name of the referenced property of the source relation mapping's target object.

It MUST have an operator key whose value is a FilterOperator node.

It MUST have a sourcePath key whose value is a Path node which expresses a value of the relation the source relation mapping's source object.

6.2.9 FilterOperator

A FilterOperator node is a mapping node representing a filter operator.

It MUST have a type key with a string value indicating the type of operator.

6.2.10 ObjectTypeMapping

An ObjectTypeMapping node expresses an object type mapping. It is represented by a key/value pair within the mapping node that is the value of the objectTypeMappings key. The key in the key/value pair is the objectTypeName of the object type mapping. The value in the key/value pair is a sequence node that represents the set of object type mapping sets of which each item is aObjectTypeMappingSet node


6.2.11 ObjectTypeMappingSet

An ObjectTypeMappingSet node expresses an object type mapping set.

An ObjectTypeMappingSet node MUST have a sourceRoot key, which represents the source root and whose value MUST be an ObjecttypeRef node as a shorthand for the SourceRoot node.

An ObjectTypeMapping node MUST have zero or one propertyMappings key, whose value is a mapping node representing PropertyMapping nodes.

6.2.12 SourceRoot

A SourceRoot node represents a source root. It is represented by a mapping node. The mapping node MUST have a key type whose value is an ObjectTypeRef node.

6.2.13 ObjectTypeRef

An ObjectTypeRef node represents an object type ref. It is a generic string scalar node with the following pattern {modelAlias}:{objectTypeName}, where {modelAlias} is the model alias of a source model, and {objectTypeName} is the name of the object type in that source model.

6.2.14 PropertyMapping

A PropertyMapping node expresses a property mapping. It is represented by a key/value pair within the mapping node that is the value of the propertyMappings key. The key in the key/value pair is the propertyName of the Property Mapping.

A PropertyMapping node MUST have one pathMappings or pathMapping key, whose value is a sequence node, representing PathMapping nodes, or a mapping node, representing a PathMapping node respectively.

The evaluation of the path mapping(s) SHOULD yield a path mapping result that matches the type of the property in the target model which is referenced by propertyName.

A PropertyMapping node MUST have zero or one combine key, whose value is a ResultCombiner node.

6.2.15 PathMapping

A PathMapping node expresses a path mapping. It is represented by a key/value pair, or a generic string scalar node, within the mapping node that is the value of the pathMappings key.

A key-value PathMapping node MUST have one paths or path key, whose value is a sequence node representing path expressions, or mapping node representing a path expression respectively.

A string scalar PathMapping node is a path expression.

A key-value PathMapping node MUST have zero or one ifMatchType key, whose value is a ObjectTypeRef node. When specified, this path mapping is only evaluated if the source root in the current property mapping evaluation matches.

A key-value PathMapping node MUST have zero or one map key, whose value is a either a sequence node of ResultMapper nodes, or a single ResultMapper node.

A key-value PathMapping node MUST have zero or one andThen key, whose value is either a sequence node of PathMapping nodes, or a single PathMapping node.

A key-value PathMapping node MUST have zero or one ifMatch key, whose value is a Matcher node.

When a PathMapping node is the value of an andThen key, the ifMatch matcher is evaluated on the path mapping result of the andThen bearing path mapping.

6.2.16 Path

A Path node expresses a path. It is represented by a mapping node, or a path expression.

A propertyMappingNode-Path MUST have exactly one expression key, whose value is a Path expression node.

A MappingNode-Path MUST have zero or one combiner key, whose value is a ResultCombiner node.

A Path expression node is a generic string scalar node that expresses a path. Segments of the path are separated by a / character.

Issue 1

6.2.17 Component

A Component node is a mapping node which MUST have

  • a key type which determines the type of the component.
  • zero or one key options, whose value is a mapping node which defines the options for the component.

6.2.18 ResultCombiner

c A ResultCombiner node is a Component node. It represents a result combiner.

6.2.19 ResultMapper

A ResultMapper node is a Component node. It represents a result mapper. ggit

6.2.20 Matcher

A Matcher node is a Component node. It represents a matcher.

7. Annex-1 Mapping specifications in excel

This annex contains the mapping specifications as they are designed to map the IMX-Geo model elements to the basemodels. These mapping specifications are described in an excel spreadsheet and are the input for formulation of the machine readable YAML mapping specifications as they are developed and presented in this document. The mappings specifications furthermore are input for developing the content of the knowledge graph.

The mapping specifications consist of mapping/relating information elements from the IMX-Geo model to information elements from the models of key registers or any model that is considered and included as a source model of the IMX-Geo cross domain model.

Typically the mapping specifications follow this context chain: domain - objecttype - property - valuetype.

The excel doc containing the mapping specifications is accesible through this link: mappingspecifications

The excel contains a number of columns of which the content is explained in the excel itself.

8. Annex-2 Mapping specifications in YAML

This annex contains the mapping specifications from 7. Annex-1 Mapping specifications in excel in the form of a YAML IXM Model Mapping document.

9. Conformance

As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.

The key words MUST and SHOULD in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

10. List of Figures

A. Index

A.1 Terms defined by this specification

A.2 Terms defined by reference

B. References

B.1 Normative references

Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. S. Bradner. IETF. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL:
Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words. B. Leiba. IETF. May 2017. Best Current Practice. URL:
UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646. F. Yergeau. IETF. November 2003. Internet Standard. URL:
YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML™) Version 1.2. Oren Ben-Kiki; Clark Evans; Ingy döt Net. 1 October 2009. URL:
Geonovum Standard - Proposed recommendation